Chasing Happiness

Photo: Patrick Daly

Photo: Patrick Daly

2018 wasn’t the most successful year results wise. I had put in a huge amount of training, I traveled all over, and the results just weren't coming in. I was showing up to a lot of races alone. I was getting my teeth kicked in everywhere I went. I was constantly getting sick. The best I could walk away with was 16th place at Harlem Skyscraper Cycling Classic.

I began to look to other places for that sense of gratification. I did some MTBing and long rides with good friends, which worked for a bit... but it didn't amount to the goal I had set of wanting to race at the pro level. Not just racing with pros but racing at the front and battling with them for the win. Towards the end of the season the idea of going back to school kept creeping up. It’s something I’ve always struggled with. I don’t really have many friends that are my age. Most of them have great careers and live on their own. When you are surrounded by that you begin to question everything. Is this bike thing a waste of time? Will I ever be that successful? Do I need to move on from bikes, move out, and focus on a new career? It’s super frustrating.

               College after high school wasn’t doable for me. When I was sixteen I began to work. The moment I was able to get working papers, I wanted to help out at home. I wasn’t forced to work but contributing at home became a priority for me. On top of that I wasn’t the best of students so I knew I wasn’t going to get any scholarships. If I wanted to do college I'd have to step back from work and bikes. I'd need to be focused on it 100%, if not, it wouldn’t be worth it.

                After a few years of working and saving money, school was now more of an option. I'd already done quite a lot of racing and my family was on-board with me taking a step back to focus on school. So I applied and I got accepted. I was ready to take the big step and enroll. This is about when I was offered to race for the Butcherbox cycling team. A elite domestic team which focuses on crit racing that I had done a couple of races with last year, as a guest rider. Exactly what would help me get to the front of the race and possibly get on top step. Now I was stuck. I couldn't see myself doing all 3 things. Working, training, and school?! Two will work- one will suffer.

               Not working isn’t a option, so I had to choose: bikes or school. To me happiness isn’t having my own place, having a boat load of money or validation from anyone. It’s enjoying every day, being healthy, active, and making my family happy and proud. College would provide some of that but force me to give up on something that keeps me motivated. I spent a lot of time thinking about it and finally decided to take the Butcherbox contract. I get to keep my job and contribute at home, but I also get to race bikes professionally. School is going to be there if I change my mind, I can always go after I give this cycling thing a shot. I don’t want to skip on something and regret it. I haven't worked so hard at something to not actually give it a solid try.

So for 2019 I’ll be giving you the inside take on domestic crit racing. What it’s like to have a job and also travel the country to race against some of the best crit racers in America. I’ll be uploading footage from every trip, giving updates on training and nutrition, and tackling other obstacles I encounter along the way. Hopefully you guys will follow and enjoy everything I share with you. The first race of the season is just around the corner! Hope to see you all at Grant Tomb.

-César A Gallego

Cesar Gallego